
Showing posts from February, 2023

The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

A man in London was about to jump off a bridge

Beautiful strangers A man in London was about to jump off a bridge and he was talked down by complete strangers, they also held onto him until help arrived. The care, selflessness, determination and compassion shown by strangers to a hurting man. The world needs more of these people

Zimbabwe has offered to facilitate the return of its citizens in South Africa whose stay permits are set to expire in the coming four months.

Zimbabwe has offered to facilitate the return of its citizens in South Africa whose stay permits are set to expire in the coming four months. The government in Pretoria announced that it would no longer extend the validity of Zimbabwe Exemption Permits currently held by close to 180,000 Zimbabweans. Although South Africa has given these Zimbabweans a year and a half to migrate to other permits, the majority simply do not qualify.SADC Zimbabwe has offered to facilitate the return of its citizens in South Africa whose stay permits are set to expire in the coming four months. The government in Pretoria announced that it would no longer extend the validity of Zimbabwe Exemption Permits currently held by close to 180,000 Zimbabweans. Although South Africa has given these Zimbabweans a year and a half to migrate to other permits, the majority simply do not qualify. SADC Zimbabwe has offered to facilitate the return of its citizens in South Africa whose stay permits are set to expire in the


THE DESTRUCTION OF WARSAW: THE NAZI PLAN TO OBLITERATE A CITY On the 1st of September 2019, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany took to the podium in Warsaw’s PiÅ‚sudski Square at an event to mark the eightieth anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland. 'In no other square in Europe do I find it more difficult to speak, and to address you in my native language of German,' Steinmeier told the assembled crowds. 'I ask for forgiveness for Germany’s historical guilt and I recognise our enduring responsibility.' But why did the president find it so difficult to say those words in that particular square? Because seventy-five years before, the Nazis set about wiping Warsaw off the face of the earth. The planned destruction of Warsaw had been on the cards before German tanks and troops rolled over the border into Poland at the start of September 1939. Three months before the invasion, a plan to replace the Polish capital with a small German town had caught the eye of A

The Greatest Mysteries Of The World: The Bog Bodies

The Greatest Mysteries Of The World: The Bog Bodies The bog bodies, or bog people, are the naturally preserved human corpses that were found in the sphagnum bogs in Northern Europe. Rather than decomposing, the bog provided the perfect conditions to preserve the bodies, leaving the skin and internal organs relatively intact. The thousands of bodies found can be dated back to the Iron Age and many reveal signs of being murdered. It is widely believed that the bodies are sacrificial victims of pagan rituals or a form of criminal punishment. However, there is no conclusive evidence as to why the thousands of bodies were dumped, especially since the bodies have been found sporadically throughout Germany, Ireland, Britain, Netherlands and Denmark.

Jack The Ripper

Jack The Ripper The most notorious criminal of all time, Jack the Ripper’s identity still remains one of the greatest mysteries in the history of crime. A serial killer who went on a rampage in London between August and November 1888, Jack the Ripper was responsible for the brutal murders of at least five prostitutes in Whitechapel, London. This much is clear. However, everything else – the actual identity of the perpetrator, the number of victims, and the manner of killing and enigmatic letters he sent to police – is a hazy cold case. Considering the ambiguity, there are wildly different theories in circulation, including placing the blame on the Royal family, famous author Lewis Carroll, and even a woman, Jill the Ripper. Whoever he or she may be, the legacy of Jack the Ripper, who instilled fear in an entire Empire during its most poverty-stricken era, is hard to deny.

The Dancing Plague of 1518

The Dancing Plague of 1518 Long before music festivals dancing fever took hold of people The story of the dancing plague sounds like something straight out of fiction. On a summer’s day in the town of Strasbourg during the year 1518, a woman began dancing wildly in the street. The day turned into night, the night turned into morning, and she was still dancing. Within a week, 34 others had joined her, dancing as though they were possessed, without stop, for no apparent reason. And within a month, the number of dancers had reached 400. Religious sermons were called to address the issue. Physicians were called in to document the event and try to find a solution. And all the while, the dancing worsened. Many became ill or died as a result of exhaustion, strokes, or heart attacks. The authorities eventually decided that the only way the dancers would recover is if they danced it out of their systems. Gild halls and a grain market were opened to the dancers, and a wooden stage was even co

Baghdad Battery

  Baghdad Battery Shocking! Was electricity used thousands of years before we switched it on? When we think of electricity, most of us recall back to a time in school where we learned about Benjamin Franklin, a metal key, and a kite. The year of Franklin’s fateful discovery was 1752. But the existence of the Baghdad batteries suggests the possibility of far more shocking scientific advances in the field — a mind-blowing 2,000 years earlier. Discovered in 1936, and thought to have been created in the Mesopotamian region, these clay pots contain galvanised iron nails wrapped with copper sheeting, and some archaeologists theorise that an acidic liquid was used to generate an electric current inside the jar. If correct, these artefacts would predate the currently accepted timeline for the invention of the electrochemical cell, attributed to Alessandro Volta, by more than two millennia. Whether or not the artefacts were in fact used as batteries is highly contested by archaeologists, and

King Arthur

King Arthur King Arthur, a sword in the stone, his faithful magician, Merlin, and a roundtable of knights – the stuff legends and myths are made of. Apparently though, the entire King Arthur story was a fabrication that was created to boost the morale of the English troops. The mythology stems from various literary sources, which all glorify Arthur as the king who led a victory over the Saxons and created a ruling empire over England, Ireland, Iceland, Norway and Gaul in the sixth century. Though there is no real proof such a man existed, historians continue to debate the fact. There is evidence to suggest Arthur may have been a composite character, with most semblances to a Roman commander, Lucius Artorius Castus, who lived in the second century. Despite the widely accepted belief that King Arthur was a fictitious creation, there are still a number of people who argue otherwise.

ZAMBIA: Man jailed 25-yrs for killing ‘cheating’ wife, unborn baby

ZAMBIA: Man jailed 25-yrs for killing ‘cheating’ wife, unborn baby A 33-year-old man of Ndola has been sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment with hard labour for murdering his wife and his eight-month unborn baby on allegations of cheating. Josphate Mwanza, unemployed, was charged with one count of murder and destruction of a child after he murdered his 8-months pregnant wife, Anna Siamachoka, who had allegedly insulted him and questioned whether he was man enough in October last year. Mwanza also claimed that he had reports of his wife cheating on him. During the trial in Ndola High Court, it was heard that Mwanza used an axe, knife and slippers during the fight.

Researchers say they have uncovered an extensive online propaganda network that spreads misinformation and hate against France in Africa while praising Russia.

Researchers say they have uncovered an extensive online propaganda network that spreads misinformation and hate against France in Africa while praising Russia.  Russosphère, or "Russian Sphere," typically accuses France of modern-day colonialism in posts on Facebook, YouTube, Telegram and other other channels, according to the researchers from the British multinational tech company Logically. The network run by a 65-year-old Belgian politician who calls himself a "Stalinist" makes flattering statements about Russian President Vladimir Putin and circulates recruitment information for the Wagner Group of Russian mercenaries that operates in Africa, the researchers say. Relations between France and some Francophone African countries were Russia is well-received are strained. 

Buddhist Monk Committing Suicide by Fire

Buddhist Monk Committing Su*cide by Fire A young Buddhist monk is seen performing a ritual su*cide by self-immolation in the central market square of Saigon. This act was a form of protest against the anti-Buddhist policies of the Ngo Dinh Diem government. The photograph captures the intense emotion and sacrifice of the individual who took this drastic action to protest the government’s treatment of Buddhism and its followers. It’s a tragic reminder of the deep-seated political and religious tensions that existed in Vietnam during this period.
Echoes of War: Powerful and Meaningful Photos of Vietnam War “Echoes of War” takes you on an emotional and thought-provoking journey through the Vietnam War through the lens of some of the most talented photographers of the era. These striking and powerful images will transport you back in time, immersing you in the raw emotions, the struggle and the humanity that defined the war. These photos are not just a glimpse into history, they are a moving tribute to the soldiers, civilians, and families affected by the war, and a reminder of the devastating impact of conflict. These powerful images will not only educate, but also evoke a deep sense of empathy and understanding of the sacrifices made during the war. They are a call to remember the past, to honor the fallen and to strive for a more peaceful future. let’s dive into it, South Vietnamese Troops on Military Man oeuvres A wounded soldier is amputated in a makeshift operating theater during the Vietnam War. (Photo by Alain Dejean/Syg

Akua GMB causes traffic after storming program in revealing skintight outfit.

Akua GMB causes traffic after storming program in revealing skintight outfit. Akua GMB, a media celebrity, is progressively losing her respect! Akua GMB has thoroughly assimilated into the lifestyle of a slay queen, which means flaunting nymph These days, Akua GMB only wears flashy clothes to show off her nyash and curves. Akua GMB is currently trending on a video after she wore a lewd, skin-tight attire to a show. Akua is portrayed wearing a body-hugging garment that highlights all of her curves and private parts. People were fixated on her as she sped out of her automobile because she offered them something to stare at. Even though Akua was wearing a dress, everything on her is vividly visible. Fans appear to be speaking! They contend that her curves are unnatural, and that her legs don’t adequately support her weight. Internet users are not holding back their remarks for her because it appears that she insulted them.

The My Lai Massacre: A Tragic of the Vietnam War

The My Lai Massacre: A Tragic of the Vietnam War   The Vietnam War was one of the most divisive and controversial conflicts in American history, and the My Lai Massacre was one of the most egregious and shocking events to occur during the war. On March 16, 1968, a group of soldiers from the U.S. Army’s Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade, 23rd Infantry Division, led by Lieutenant William Calley, entered the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai and brutally murdered between 347 and 504 unarmed South Vietnamese civilians, mostly women, children, and elderly people. The Extent of the Atrocities: A Death Toll of 347 to 504 The soldiers were on a search-and-destroy mission, ordered to root out Viet Cong fighters and sympathizers from the area. However, when they arrived at My Lai, they found no evidence of enemy activity. Nevertheless, the soldiers began rounding up the villagers, separating the men from the women and children. They then proceeded to brutally

Vietnamese Mother and Children Flee Village Bombing

Vietnamese Mother and Children Flee Village Bombing This Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph captures a poignant and powerful moment during the Vietnam War. It shows a Vietnamese mother, holding her children, as they wade through a river, fleeing from a bombing raid that was conducted by United States aircraft. The raid was organized to eliminate Viet Cong snipers who were firing on United States Marines. The photo was taken on September 7, 1965, in the village of Qui Nhon. (Photo by K. Sawada/Bettmann/Corbis via Getty Images) The photograph captures the human cost of war and the devastating impact it has on civilians. The image of the mother and her children, wading through the water with their belongings, evokes a sense of fear, uncertainty and displacement. The photograph also highlights the innocent victims of war, as the mother and her children were warned to leave the village before the bombs began to fall. Carrying Wounded Comrade On April 6, 1967, in Tay Ninh, South Vietnam, Am

Vietnamese Civilians Running from Napalm

Vietnamese Civilians Running from Napalm Vietnamese civilians run when their village is accidentally bombed with napalm.  Napalm is a highly flammable gel that was widely used by American forces during the Vietnam War as a means of clearing out dense jungle and destroying enemy positions. However, the use of napalm was not limited to military targets and many innocent civilians were caught in the crossfire. The scene depicted in the given sentence is of a village that was accidentally bombed with napalm, causing panic and chaos among the civilians living there. Napalm is particularly devastating when it comes into contact with human flesh as it sticks to skin and can cause severe burns that can take months or even years to heal. The use of napalm in the Vietnam War was highly controversial, and many argued that it was a cruel and inhumane weapon that caused unnecessary suffering to both soldiers and civilians. The accidental bombing of a village with napalm is a tragic reminder of the