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The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

St Kilda, a remote island in Scotland, was home to a small community that thrived for centuries through unique practices like bird hunting and wool production

St Kilda, a remote island in Scotland, was home to a small community that thrived for centuries through unique practices like bird hunting and wool production   St Kilda, a remote island in Scotland, was home to a small community that thrived for centuries through unique practices like bird hunting and wool production. In 1930, facing food shortages and disease, the last residents requested evacuation. It contains the westernmost islands of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. The largest island is Hirta, whose sea cliffs are the highest in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 The entire archipelago is now owned by the National Trust for Scotland. Parties of volunteers work on the islands in the summer to restore the many ruined buildings that the native St Kildans left behind.  They share the island with a small military base established in 1957.


SKILLED HUNTERS  SKILLED HUNTERS: Ute “Already skilled hunters, the Utes used the horse to become expert big game hunters. They began to roam further away from their home camps to hunt buffalo that migrated over the vast prairies east of their mountain homes, and explore the distant lands. The Utes began to depend upon the buffalo as a source for much of their items. It took only one buffalo to feed several families, and fewer hides were required to make structures and clothing. The Utes already had a reputation as defenders of their territories now became even fiercer warriors. Women and children were also fierce and were known to pick up a lance and defend their camps from attacking enemies.  Ute men were described by the Spanish as having fine physiques, able to withstand the harsh climate, and live off the land in sharp contrast to the European who often had to depend upon Native Americans and their knowledge about plants, animals and the environment.  They became

In December 1984, a group of 3,000 beluga whales were trapped by ice in the Chukchi Sea, near Russia.

  In December 1984, a group of 3,000 beluga whales were trapped by ice in the Chukchi Sea, near Russia.   In December 1984, a group of 3,000 beluga whales were trapped by ice in the Chukchi Sea, near Russia.  The whales were confined to small open water ponds surrounded by thick, impassable ice up to 10 feet thick in some areas. Without access to larger areas of the ocean, the whales had difficulty breathing and were at risk of dying. To help rescue them, an icebreaker named Admiral Makarov was brought in by Kremlin which is equipped with a specially reinforced ice-breaking hull. The ship attempted to take the whales to safety by breaking the ice, but the belugas initially refused to follow. When the crew began playing classical music like Tchaikovsky over the ship's speakers, the whales finally began to follow the Makarov through the narrow open-water channel. This allowed 2,000 whales to reach the unfrozen ocean after a journey of almost 100 miles. The successful re

In the heart of the great plains, where the buffalo roamed freely and the rivers flowed with life

 In the heart of the great plains, where the buffalo roamed freely and the rivers flowed with life  In the heart of the great plains, where the buffalo roamed freely and the rivers flowed with life, there lived a tribe of Native Americans known as the Sans Arc Sioux. Among them was a wise and respected leader named Chief Spotted Eagle. Chief Spotted Eagle was known far and wide for his strength, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to his people. He had earned his name from the keen eyesight and sharp intuition that guided him through even the toughest of times. In the year of 1880, Chief Spotted Eagle stood tall and proud, his weathered face a testament to the many years he had spent leading his people. He wore his traditional clothing adorned with symbols and feathers, each one representing a story or a lesson from the past. The Sans Arc Sioux were a people deeply connected to the land and the spirits that dwelled within it. They lived in harmony with nature, respecting


THE WORLD'S FIRST ELECTRIC ROLLER COASTER     THE WORLD'S FIRST ELECTRIC ROLLER COASTER Granville T. Woods (April 23, 1856 – January 30, 1910) introduced the “Figure Eight,” the world's first electric roller coaster, in 1892 at Coney Island Amusement Park in New York. Woods patented the invention in 1893, and in 1901, he sold it to General Electric. Woods was an American inventor who held more than 50 patents in the United States. He was the first African American mechanical and electrical engineer after the Civil War. Self-taught, he concentrated most of his work on trains and streetcars. In 1884, Woods received his first patent, for a steam boiler furnace, and in 1885, Woods patented an apparatus that was a combination of a telephone and a telegraph. The device, which he called "telegraphony", would allow a telegraph station to send voice and telegraph messages through Morse code over a single wire. He sold the rights to this device to the A

Following the assassination Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich

 Following the assassination Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich  Following the assassination Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich  The bodies of Czech paratroopers Josef Bublík, Adolf Opálka, Jozef Gabčík, Jaroslav Švarc, Jan Hruby and Josef Valčík lie in the street at the junction of Resslova Street and Václavská Street outside St Cyril's and Methodius Church in Prague where seven of them, including Jan Kubís who died on the way to hospital, fought a four hour battle with the Waffen SS after the paratroopers were betrayed by one of their own, Karel Čurda, and their hideout found. Čurda was there to identify the bodies. The priest who sheltered them, Father Petřek, was shot and his parents murdered in Auschwitz. Karl Hermann Frank stands with his hand to his mouth. He was Heydrich's second in command in Prague and it was he who ordered the villages of Lidice and Ležáky to be wiped out as retribution. He was hung in Prague in 1947 for treason. Note the small plaques

Images of Death in Syria, but No Proof of Chemical Attack

 Images of Death in Syria, but No Proof of Chemical Attack Images of Death in Syria, but No Proof of Chemical Attack BEIRUT, Lebanon — Scores of men, women and children were killed outside Damascus on Wednesday in an attack marked by the telltale signs of chemical weapons: row after row of corpses without visible injury; hospitals flooded with victims, gasping for breath, trembling and staring ahead languidly; images of a gray cloud bursting over a neighborhood. But even with videos, witness accounts and testimonies by emergency medics, it was impossible to say for certain how many people had been killed and what exactly had killed them. The rebels blamed the government, the government denied involvement and Russia accused the rebels of staging the attack to implicate President Bashar al-Assad’s government. Images of death and chaos poured out of Syria after what may be the single deadliest attack in more than two years of civil war. Videos posted online showed

The Holocaust

 The Holocaust     The Holocaust Anti-Semitism, or hostility toward Jewish people, began in Germany as far back as the ancient world. History has recorded Romans destroying Jewish temples and causing the Jewish people to flee from their homes in Palestine. During the 17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries the Jewish people were not discriminated against due to religious toleration. During the 20th Century, however, anti-Semitism became renewed and Jewish people were once again under harsh discrimination. During the 1930s and the 1940s, the holocaust definition began to represent a new and horrible situation that was taking place in Nazi Germany. What does the Holocaust mean? The Holocaust was the systematic state-sponsored mass killing of millions of Jews, Roma people (Gypsies), the intellectually disabled, and homosexuals by German forces under the cover of World War II. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi regime and the organizer of the Holocaust. Adolf Hitle

In 1941, Vitya Cherevichkin was shot by the Germans when they learned that he was hiding pigeons in his shed.

In 1941, Vitya Cherevichkin was shot by the Germans when they learned that he was hiding pigeons in his shed. In 1941, Vitya Cherevichkin was shot by the Germans when they learned that he was hiding pigeons in his shed. The Nazi command issued an order to destroy all pigeons, as it was believed that the birds could be used to send messages. Vitya hid the birds for a week, but was seen releasing some pigeons. He was captured, interrogated and accused of aiding the Red Army. On the same day the Germans were knocked out of the city by a successful counter-offensive by units of the South-Western Front. A photograph of the murdered Vitya Cherevichkin holding a pigeon, taken by Soviet photojournalist M.V. Alpert, was among the photographic evidence at the Nuremberg trials that exposed Nazism for crimes against humanity.

concentration camp in Lublin.

 concentration camp in Lublin. Concentration Camp In Lublin. July 21, 1941 On a visit to Lublin in July 1941, SS chief Heinrich Himmler orders the SS and Police Leader in Lublin, SS Major General Odilo Globocnik to construct a concentration camp in Lublin. The camp is intended to provide a supply of forced labor to produce construction materials and carry out construction projects for future permanent German settlements in occupied Poland and the occupied Soviet Union. Early October 1941 Following the choice of a site on the east/southeast side of town, near the suburb of Majdan-Tatarski (from which the nickname “Majdanek,” or little Majdan is derived), construction on the camp begins in early October with the arrival of around 2,000 Soviet prisoners of war. Mid-October 1941 In mid-October 1941, Himmler entrusts Globocnik with implementing Operation Reinhard, which has four purposes: mass murder of Jews residing in the Generalgouvernement exploitation of labor of a


 LOOK AT IT! YOU LOOK AT IT YOU KNAVE!   Warning, old graphic content ahead. I can’t believe I even posted this, now I feel horrible. LOOK AT IT! YOU LOOK AT IT YOU KNAVE! Yep, pretty disturbing. Perfect for waking up to smell the ashes with. Other than that….. Uh…. Dude…. have you ever heard of OSHA? the Occupational Safety and health administration (or Act)? They are a group of do-gooders who dedicate their lives to protecting knuckleheads at work from accidents. and holy cow, looking at some of the pictures of “accidents” people received before OSHA, makes you wonder how humanity has survived this long. *vomits in mouth* I hate you. Thanks for making me post this answer asshole.

lsraeli Shin Bet officers lead away a Palestinian terrorist after he hijacked an lsraeli bus.

lsraeli Shin Bet officers lead away a Palestinian terrorist after he hijacked an lsraeli bus.  The Palestinian would be executed by the Shin Bet in a field shortly after this photo was taken lsraeli Shin Bet officers lead away a Palestinian terrorist after he hijacked an lsraeli bus. The Palestinian would be executed by the Shin Bet in a field shortly after this photo was taken The Bus 300 incident: On the 13th of April 1984, 4 Palestinian terrorists hijacked an Israeli bus carrying 41 people. The militants, who were unaffiliated with any group, were armed with knives as well as a grenade and fake bomb. Israeli police were quickly made aware of the incident by an escaped passenger. It stopped in the Gaza Strip and was rapidly surrounded by IDF SOF, lsraeli Police and Shin Bet.  The Palestinians demanded 500 prisoners released from Israeli prisons for the safe return of the lsraeli hostages. The decision was made to storm the bus, which was conducted by the Sareyet Matkal. During the as

Dad Is Late To Funeral & Begs To Say Goodbye To Daughter. Opening The Coffin, He Screams In Terror!

 Dad Is Late To Funeral & Begs To Say Goodbye To Daughter. Opening The Coffin, He Screams In Terror! A grieving father named Michael is held up in traffic and arrives late to his daughter Lucia's funeral. Despite not speaking to her for a year due to a falling out, Michael begs the priest to let him say goodbye. When he opens the coffin, he screams in terror as he sees Lucia making noises from inside and as she says nothing. The funeral attendees are shocked, and some whisper that Michael's presence may have woken her from eternal slumber. Michael, who is devastated about missing the chance to make amends with his daughter, had a special bond with Lucia as she was the only girl among his three children with his late wife. He spoiled her and was always the one she turned to for advice. Lucia's business had been successful, and everyone was surprised by how quickly it had grown. we learn about Lucia, a young woman who had

Survivors in Dachau berate an SS guard captured by U.S. troops, while in the background American soldiers summarily execute other camp guards

Survivors in Dachau berate an SS guard captured by U.S. troops, while in the background American soldiers summarily execute other camp guards This picture was taken on April 29, 1945, the day of liberation at Dachau Concentration Camp. The man on the ground is an SS guard moments away from being executed by the inmates standing near him. During his time as a guard, he brutalized and murdered untold numbers of innocent men, women and children. Only at the point of death does he show remorse. He was executed with the shovel in the hand of the inmate on the left. An Allied soldier turns his back, refusing to intervene. On April 29, 1945 members of the 1st Company, 3rd Battalion, 157th Infantry, under the command of Lt. Col. Felix L. Sparks, entered Dachau. There they discovered a train of 36 boxcars bearing the corpses of prisoners who had been transferred to Dachau from other camps in the last weeks of the war. As the soldiers advanced, they found stacks of bodies in other parts of the c

Jennifer Lopez gets stuck in formation during Las Vegas performance

Jennifer Lopez gets stuck in formation during Las Vegas performance Jennifer Lopez has fallen and she can’t get up. The 47-year-old singer needed a little help when she bent over backwards during a show at the Axis Theater inside Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas and couldn’t maneuver her way out of the position. Instead, backup dancers in glittery orange suits had to pull JLo to her feet on stage in a less than graceful break from the choreography. Backup dancers had to help the 47-year-old dancer off the floor. Her reps told the Daily News that the “dramatic knee slide” is part of the performance. Top Videos - Biden vows to win election after shaky debate Next Stay volume_off -2:21 sd share closed_caption fullscreen Auto (225p) 225p 360p Subtitles Off Subtitles EN Biden vows to win election after shaky debate 2:21 Japan's emperor, empress take trip down memory lane at Oxford 0:36 Wall St. ends lower after inflation data, debate 1:50 Euro 2024 fans fashion highlights 0:56 Squatters ta