The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.




Did you know that during slavery slave owners would buy slaves to engage in forced sexual acts?

 These male slaves were bought entirely on the prerequisite to owning a big penis. Igbo men were also routinely raped by their slave owners as forms of punishment for their insurgency. 

The process was known as "breaking the buck or buck breaking." Involves an African Igbo slave who was challenged and then whipped in front of his entire congregation of slaves. Once the slave was worn out the master would have the other Igbo slaves make him walk over the trunk where the pants would be removed and the slave owner would have the slave sodomize in front of his wife , family , friends and kids

Slave owner would make sure the slaves wife and children watched front row and center, so they could witness the death and sexual humiliation of her husband and father. Buck Breaking was the slave master's most effective tool to keep all young Igbo black slaves from being defiant and retaliating.

 It would also scare the mother and wives who would never consent to an insurgency. Buck Breaking was so successful that it was turned into a “Sex Farm” where the slave master could travel from plantation to plantation feeding his sadistic needs.

The life of an African Igbo slave in America was forged with constant degradation. 

White masters beat and ridiculed total discretion to rape any slave they liked - man, woman or child. White slave masters even committed acts of incest with their own mulatto children born from their slave mothers. Even African slave marriages were not recognized by their white masters.

The following story takes place on August 12, 1742 in the state of Mississippi. It’s a Friday night, and the Master Host is entertaining some fellow slave owners from the neighboring plantations. As they keep drinking and sharing slave tales, the host starts bragging about a particular "nigress" who was his favorite when he craved for sex. He bragged about the round and firm ass of the female slave. 

He said it was unlike anything he'd ever seen in a white woman. Her three guests were intrigued and all asked to see her and maybe give her a ride. The hostess agreed to do so and escorted his three guests to the field at the back of the mansion where his favorite slave lived.

She lived in a small cottage with her husband and two daughters. 

When the master and a guest arrived at the shed, they kicked in the door and entered. They found the slave in bed with her husband and two daughters. Her daughters were in a separate bed in the same cabin in a bedroom. The four white men, the master and his three guests, ordered the husband to get out of the bed and leave.

The enslaved husband — conditioned for years of horrific torture by his master — obeyed without even having a moment to get dressed, he immediately came completely naked.

He sat outside naked on the cold wet grass that was moistened by the evening dew. He listened as four white men repeatedly raped and sodomized his wife while his children cried in fear in tears.

The husband tried to block the sounds with his hands over his ears, but unsuccessfully.

 The session appears to have lasted several hours. When the temperature outside dropped, the slave husband began to get cold and shudder. But the discomfort he felt on the cold, humid morning piled in comparison with the ache he felt in his heart as he heard his wife and daughters screaming as the four white men took turns with his wife. When white men were done raping his wife, they marched out the door laughing and drunk telling the husband that he was sure a lucky nigga to have such a wife. He was forced to smile and nod. He then returned inside his home feeling totally emasculated while sniffing the stench of drunk sex and finding his wife and children in tears.

Throughout history, the white race has demonstrated a rooted predisposition to brutality and racism, which is equated only by their propensity for deceit, greed and hunger for power. The white race has shown throughout history an almost total disregard for non-whites human life. 

Only they are the race most prone to racism; all the other races were either their enemies or their victims. Their subjugation, murder and exploitation of Igbo people particularly is incomparable. Against blacks, whites have demonstrated, throughout history, a near complete absence of ethical and moral behavior. They committed mass genocide, slavery, lynchings, castration and even countless beheadings of blacks.

 However, despite this brutal contrary story, the white race is often perceived as the race of the highest ethical and moral character; furthermore, millions of blacks are so infatuated with whites. How do you explain this incredible contradiction?

The real reason why many Igbo blacks are so infatuated with whites despite the brutal history is because it is the white dominant elites who control what most black people believe. We are the education we learn, the books we read and the movies we watch. As white elites control the education system, television media and film industry, it allows them to indoctrinate ideologies in the minds of Igbo black people that serve their own interests. 

This is how the ruling elites now control the black masses.

White elites used their control of the education system and the film industry to give their entire race favorable reform. The version of history given to blacks, during their educational development, while being entertained, has been heavily revised to hide the true atrocities committed by whites against blacks throughout history.

 In doing so, they have made their white race look less inhumane throughout history. It also makes the white race look worthy of worship. Under the deceptive review of history, brutal wild white barbarians were transformed into redeemers and saviors; the ancient black Egyptians became Europeans; and manytyrants like Christopher Columbus were transformed into heroes.

 So Blacks have been deliberately misplanned to forget the historical and brutal mistreatment of their ancestors committed by whites throughout history and instead admired and respected white culture above their own. 

This redesigned, white-friendly history is being purposely pumped into the impressive young minds of generations of black students—without being counterbalanced by the equal amount of negative assertive information racial positive - throughout your educational development. Of course, black students are very vulnerable to such a demoralizing environment because they are subjected to it for seven hours a day, from five to eighteen years.

 That black student omission is a significant reason why so many blacks are so in love with whites despite a brutal history. The human mind is like a computer, however efficient it is, its reliability is as great as the information it feeds it. If you can control the entrance into the human mind, no matter how intelligent a person may be, you can perfectly control what they think.

The manipulation of target populations through control of information is not a conspiracy theory. The hypothesis behind this type of brainwashing is that human being is a biological creature from birth but is from then shaped as a person through social influences and information and in that sense it is a social construct, a product I belong to the society. Therefore, if the social information given to a target population can be controlled, the beliefs, thoughts and behaviour of the population can also be controlled.

As whites control virtually all social information blacks receive, it allows them to control the beliefs and behavior of black populations. 

Black people must wake up and recognize this psychological warfare program that's being used against us.

I don't care what you think about me, history must be told.

Am here to unfold the truth.

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