The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

The summer initiation season is currently underway, and there are already stories of young men dying while others have been circumcised by illegal schools.

The summer initiation season is currently underway, and there are already stories of young men dying while others have been circumcised by illegal schools.

It’s that time of the year when parents release their sons into the care of traditional surgeons for traditional male circumcision and things can go horribly wrong when the correct processes are not followed.

Drum chats to Xhosa cultural expert, Mlawu Tyatyeka who says letting go of how things were done in the past has a huge impact on the death of young men during this all-too-important rite of passage.

“In the olden days, people would even go on horseback to travel over 30km, looking for the most trusted traditional surgeon for their children.

“Then with the modernization of things, people started just picking anyone to do it. Which has then prompted government to insist that traditional surgeons and their schools be registered.”

Mlawu says, just like mothers cannot help other women deliver babies by virtue of them being mothers themselves, not just anyone can circumcise young men just on the basis of them being circumcised too.

“It is more than just cutting,” he explains.
“There is a way to do things properly. That is why it is important for parents to not just take the word of the traditional surgeons they find, they need references and they also need to check their track records. They need to ask around the community about the work the person has done.


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