
Showing posts from 2023

The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

Final pictures of Individuals before being executed (killed)

Final pictures of Individuals before being executed (killed) what if you were to be in their shoes? Suspected South Korean traitors are herded into lorries on their way to execution – an incident that was later investigated by a United Nations observer. 1950 (Photo by Haywood Magee/Getty Images) General Idi Amin Dada seized power after a coup in January 1971. The cruelty of his repressive regime became legendary. Ex-Officer in the Ugandan Army and alleged “guerrilla” Tom Masaba is stripped of his clothes and tied to a tree before his execution at Mbale. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images) The first Nazi General to be executed, Anton Dostler, is tied to a post in Aversa to face a US Army firing squad. He was tried by an American military tribunal for the summary shooting of 15 prisoners while serving as the General Commanding the 75th German Army Corps. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images). 1945 A man convicted of murder is imprisoned in a wooden cage on a street in China. He will be left to

Pregnant Mom Undergoes Emergency C-Section — Doctor Looks into Uterus and Asks, ‘Where’s the Baby?’

Pregnant Mom Undergoes Emergency C-Section — Doctor Looks into Uterus and Asks, ‘Where’s the Baby?’ While pregnant with her first child, a woman had an incredible and unforgettable experience. She went for a routine checkup in her final weeks of pregnancy, only to find out she needed an emergency C-section. But the real surprise came after the doctor looked inside her uterus. In January 2023, Tamara McPhedrin turned to TikTok to share a shocking account with the world in a two-part video series. She narrated her most unusual experience during her first pregnancy, which became etched in her mind forever. Taking a walk down memory lane, McPhedrin said she was barely 17 at the time. Owing to her motherly instinct, she said something was wrong. But when she consulted the doctors, they dismissed all her worries, given her young age. McPhedrin started her eye-opening story with a short opening video inlay that read, “When the surgeon opened me up during an emergency C-sect

Mom gives birth to 11 babies then doctors realize one of them isn’t a baby

  Mom gives birth to 11 babies then doctors realize one of them isn’t a baby.   Mom gives birth to 11 babies then doctors realize one of them isn’t a baby she thought she was pregnant with twins but she gave birth to 11 babies imagine for a moment how she’d feel about being pregnant being relaxed lying down and feeling that huge belly full of life inside when suddenly they start to feel that her baby is kicking against the wall of her belly something very tender that makes you Feel very much closer to your son but suddenly new taps begin to be felt but these are very far from the place where she was kicking a moment ago can she turn around so quickly however when you start to feel bumps all over your belly it’s not just two little legs they sit in at least eight or sixteen places at the same time either you have an octopus inside you or there are many more children than you Had imagined what an impression i hope you’re in the mood to change about 100 diapers

Carl Mydans Photographs Execution of Nazi Collaborators, 1944

Carl Mydans Photographs Execution of Nazi Collaborators, 1944 Photo: Carl Mydans./Time & Life Pictures Photo: Carl Mydans./Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images. Sep 02, 1944 Read  this , then look at  these . Just days after Paris was famously liberated from German control in 1944, LIFE photographer Carl Mydans and correspondent John Osborne were eyewitnesses to a grisly affair in the foothills of the French Alps. On September 2, a group of Resistance fighters gathered near the town of Grenoble to execute a half-dozen Nazi collaborators who had worked for the Milice -- the despised Vichy police. The photos and commentary that ran were simultaneously poignant and terrifying. Here is a small sample of some of Mydan's rare, chilling photographs that document the horrific event. Be sure to check out the amazing full gallery on  On reflecting on history and on his own involvement in WWII as a bombardier, Howard Zinn contended that there is no “good” war. War poisons

Unbelievable Photos Taken Seconds Before Tragedy Struck

Unbelievable Photos Taken Seconds Before Tragedy Struck It appears this lion is curious to see what the man at the campsite is watching on his tablet. However, that is just our interpretation. The reality behind all this is that the human in the picture is professional animal trainer Charlie Sammut, and the lion is his perfectly trained buddy. So yes, it’s safe to say that no one was harmed in staging this photo. Baby goats are such sweet, innocent animals — right? For those who don’t know, goats are known for manifesting aggressive behavior, which is their way of asserting dominance. This is probably why they shouldn’t be kept inside the house as pets, but rather on the farm to help with agriculture. This girl would have avoided being rammed if, instead of backing away, she’d slapped the goat on the side of his neck. This jaguar escaped Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary in West Bengal, where it was part of a jaguar show, then proceeded to viciously attack a human. Ev


 THE TERRIBLE STORY OF THE MAN THAT COULD NOT BE HANGED, John 'Babbacombe' Lee famously dubbed the man they could not hang' was accused of the murder of Miss Emma Anne Whitehead Keyse. In the early hours of November 15 1884 in the hamlet of Babbacombe, Devon, Emma Keyse was discovered brutally murdered.  Her throat was slit, she had three wounds to her head John " Babbacombe" had also attempted to burn the body. He was sentenced to be hanged at Exeter Prison on 23 February 1885. When John was about to be executed however, He was sentenced to be hanged at Exeter Prison on 23 February 1885.  When John was about to be executed however, the noose was tied around his neck but when the executioner pulled the lever to remove the floor beneath him to hang him, it stayed up. The executioner then tested the door and it worked so led john up again. Again however it did not work and the miraculous process was achieved for the third time also It's nearly

Man Walks 20 Miles To Work Until One Day Cop Follows Him And Sees Why

Man Walks 20 Miles To Work Until One Day Cop Follows Him And Sees Why 20-Year-Old Walks 10 Miles to Work After Hurricane Katrina Destroys Home The cop car pulled up alongside him, but he continued to plod forward. However, the car continued to follow. He had to make it 10 miles to go, and he’d be safe. He looked at his watch and walked faster, his legs burning as he powered on, but there was no deterring this policeman. Walter Carr had moved to Homewood, Alabama with his mother after tragedy struck. They’d hoped to rebuild their lives after their home was destroyed by the monster Hurricane Katrina and wanted to start fresh. Walter was a 20-year-old student, but he was determined to work to support his mother. Little did he know just how hard that would prove to be. Walter had heard that there was a position available at Bellhops, a moving company about 20 miles away from where he lived. It was far to travel, but he had his trusty old car, so he drove over and f

One girl was evacuated during the blockade of Leningrad. Her name was Lenochka.

 One girl was evacuated during the blockade of Leningrad. Her name was Lenochka. She was so little and exhausted, that she forgot her last name. She lost a whole family; mother, grandmother, elder brother... A special group of skinny girls found her - they were going from apartment to apartment during a terrible blockade winter looking for children whose parents had died or were dying... A special group of skinny girls found her - they were going from apartment to apartment during a terrible blockade winter looking for children whose parents had died or were dying... This is how they discovered Lenochka and could evacuate her. She didn't remember being carried across the ice with other children in a shaking truck, she didn't remember getting to the orphanage; she was little. Like a skinny midget with a big head on a thin neck... And she refused to eat anymore. This is what happens with dystrophy. She was laying in bed or sitting in a chair by the stove. Sh


 STORY BEHIND THE PICTURE: ARMY MEDIC JAMES E. CALLAHAN! REMEMBERING ONE OF OUR HEROES! The picture is of James E. Callahan was considered one of the most famous pictures taken during the Vietnam War.  Photographer Henri Huet captured a young medic trying to save the lives of his buddies in the midst of machine gun fire on 17 June 1967.  It was not just that which made this a remarkable picture, it was the look on Callahan’s face that told the entire heart wrenching story. A story of desperation and helplessness of sadness and loss. Arguably, the quintessential story of Vietnam. In the picture, Callahan was trying to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a dying Solider.  The battle was three-hour battle long and took place approximately 50 miles northeast of Saigon. Callahan treated numerous fellow Soldiers injuries during the battle.  During the guerrilla ambush on the 1st Infantry Division on that day, thirty-one Soldiers were killed and more than 100 wounded. Many