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The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

"That time Russian Zombies fought the Germans in World War I!"

 "That time Russian Zombies fought the Germans in World War I!"


Here's your precious history!

"That time Russian Zombies fought the Germans in World War I!"

Fractured World History 

Paul Fisherman We're going to avoid talking about the Russia of modern times  and focus on a time before communism, and talk about a time when Russian soldiers didn't give a [REDACTED]! 

It's World War I and everybody is straight up not having a good time. The Russians enjoyed several months of winning and are absolutely pee pee slapping the [REDACTED] out of the Austria-Hungarian Empire. 

Emperor Franz Joseph and the high command staff can't seem to be competent enough to effectively stop the Russian advances, so they go to Daddy Wilhelm of Germany for help. 

German high command doesn't want to risk having their homeland in danger, so they essentially high jack and take over Austria's military. Turns out they worked great together! Hmm..... foreshadowing for World War II? 

The new German offensives erase months of Russian progress in three weeks. One thing that ensured the German victories were the Stormtroopers! Not the shiny, faceless cannon fodder from Star Wars! 

These were the elite front line assault troops of the German War Machine. These guys could aim, and had no problem fighting up close and using le flamethrowers.

Their target at 4 am, August 6th 1915 was the Russian held Osowiec Fortress in modern day Poland,  because of course it was in Poland! 

The German began shelling the Fortress since July and had nearly leveled it, but the Russians refused to retreat. 

Germany being the reigning War crime champions they are, decided to release thousands of gallons of a lovely murder condiment known as hydrochloric acid mixed with Chlorine gas. The chemical attack poisoned 12 miles of land and killed the 1,600 men defending the outside of the fortress. 

It also incapacitated the 900 defenders stationed inside the perimeter. The chemicals turned every bit of exposed metal a sickly green and burned it's victim's skin and made them cough up bits of their lungs. 

After a few hours, 6000+ Stormtroopers advance into the dead land. There's an eery silence as a thick cloud of gas still hovers just above the ground and any pool of water. 

Mutilated and blistering corpses litter the battlefield as far as the eyes can see. The Stormtroopers carefully navigate the barbed wire defenses and keep their eyes open for any survivors. Not that there are any. 

As they get closer to the Fortress, they start noticing or not wanting to  believe that the bodies are moving. Suddenly to their disbelief. One Russian corpse rises up and looks their way. His shirt is stained with gore and blood. They cough violently and large chunks of their lungs and bits of their organs fly out. 

The Stormtroopers shoot them dead in seconds and try to brush it off, but more corpses begin to reanimate, and soon the zombies begin firing back at them. 

It isn't long until several of the supposed undead begin firing machine guns positioned on the fortress.  The Stormtroopers panic and flee once the Russians charge them with bayonets drawn and begin fighting in close quarters combat. 

The Germans start taking heavy losses to the machine guns and run back from where they came. Many of them are shot, trampled and get caught in their own barbed wore during the retreat. Over 100 Russians gave their all to repel the attack and won the day. 

The Germans eventually took the surrounding forts and on the 19th, the Russians destroyed Osowiec and made it useless before withdrawing. 

The Attack of the Dead Men as the event would be called became a propaganda victory for the Russians and the story spread through the media outlets world wide. 

Unfortunately most of the Russians who participated in the counterattack didn't survive long after and those who did, wished they hadn't. Even with nothing to gain, these men made one final effort to protect their fortress at the cost of their lives. That's inspirational no matter who you are. 

Now you know. If you enjoy these original written articles from me, then like, share and invite your friends. That way our community can continue growing!

- TheProdigalFish


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