The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.



The video is thirteen minutes long. And I saw on the video of two Jamaican women fighting and throwing rocks at each other. The one with natural hair has a knife in her hand, both of them cursing each other in front of everyone in broad daylight. I heard that one of them threw a rock and it hit a man’s bike.

It was accidental but these women didn’t care at all because they were too busy throwing rocks at each other and cursing each other. The reason why they are fighting is because they are fighting over a man. This happens in with black women in Jamaica very often and you see a lot of videos on You Tube. And watching these videos thinking like why they are fighting for a man who is not interested in them? And one in black says she give him the best sex.

And most of all that the simps are recording the war between these two women who are fighting for man who isn’t worth the time and energy on their mobile phones. The one in black said not only she give him the best sex, she says that he’s having sex with another woman. So not only he was slamming these two women but he’s giving his wood to another woman. There was another YouTube video of two women in Portmore. The video called Two Jamaican women fighting each other a man in Portmore MUST SEE! And on the video the women were ripping out each other’s weave for a worthless man who has nothing to do with his life. And there is another video of two women fighting for a dead man at Dovecot. Yes, a dead man. And there is some breast shown on the video.

Right, here this now. Jamaican women need to stop fighting each other over a man. Because as she is fighting the other woman for his love and affection, he is having sex with the other woman or maybe more than one woman and everyone is watching these women fighting and the simps are recording the bust up between these two women while the man is in bed with another women drilling that coochie. Fighting for a man is not worth it. Two women fighting for a poor man who is worthless, careless, hopeless and can’t do anything for these women. The man they are fighting for, he has a third woman and he’s in her house between the sheets with her. Fighting over a man who doesn’t have no ambition, no goals or anything? It goes to show that these type of women has very low standards. Battling for a man who doesn’t have a job and can’t do anything whosoever is it really worth it? It’s worth it for these women.

When a woman fight a next woman over a man with a hopeless mentality is a losing game because he’s with a third female or has more than one woman so these women are at war for a guy who is just a player. And the man who is having sex with these women who are in battle with, I hope he is using condom because if gets one of them pregnant or breed the two of them, they are goanna rape off his pockets because they will put him on child support and I heard that child support is hitting Jamaica and it’s hitting that beautiful island hard.

Why they are fighting for a man? I got one reason. Is it because he has money? No. He has no money to feed himself. And if he does have money, they try to use him but I doubt it if he has money. Is it because he’s such a nice guy? I don’t think these women like a nice guy or a good man. They’ll try to chase after the nice guy when they become single mothers.

Is he a responsible man? Well he’s irresponsible with his penis and that’s what it is, the thing in his trousers. It sweetens the women! It’s the good sweet sugar cane which he’s giving them and that’s why they are giving him what’s between their legs. These woman will not go for a man who is upstanding but they will go for man who is not capable of doing anything for them but to give them the long high hard one. A woman who is fighting another woman for a man is very insecure just like a black woman wearing weave.

She can’t love herself and if a she’s is fighting another woman for a man has a child with him whatever if it’s a boy or girl obviously he’s not goanna take care of that child, I guarantee that. He will not take care of his own business but he will do irresponsible acts of him breeding off one woman to another and most of the times these type of men usually don’t take care of their children but they get upset when child support will cripple them.

Does he care about these women fighting for him? He doesn’t even love them. He’s playing these women while they are fighting for this bum and these women are in love with him but he doesn’t care about these women, not even love them. It’s a game that he’s playing on these women as they fight for his love and devotion and he’s not trying to break up the fight between them. Because he’s pressing another woman on the mattress.

I have seen these type of things so many times with black women fighting for a man who is thrusting a another woman in bed and he feels like some love God with women fighting for this trap of a guy and everyone is watching the street fight with these women going battle for a man who is playing games with them and most of the time they don’t see it or they just don’t want to see it.

What should these Jamaican women do now? Stop fighting for man. It’s not worth the time fighting for a hopeless peasant who can’t do anything for them. If a man has another woman, just leave the simp and find someone who is better than he is. If a real man sees two women fighting for a man they will be not interested in them.

If a man fight another man for a woman, one end up in prison for murder, the other will be in the grave and the women will not hesitate to open her legs to another man and there are a lot of man fighting for a woman who is getting grind out by another man. These women are fighting for a simp. And the man who is watching these women fighting for him is a mediocre man who has no interest in them.

This happens in Jamaica and also in the Caribbean and basically needs to stop now. Women who fight for a guy is simply just ratchet. And the man who they are fighting for, he’s at the background with a smile on his face. Here is the video I mentioned of the two Jamaican women fighting for the man. One more thing. The man who was recording the two women fighting for the dude, I heard that he died. Rest in peace brother!


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