The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

Awkwardly Funny Wedding Photos That Made Us Feel Bad for the Bride and Groom

Awkwardly Funny Wedding Photos That Made Us Feel Bad for the Bride and Groom

Weddings and honeymoons are usually considered to be made up of magical moments that become lifelong memories for both a bride and groom. However, sometimes the moments captured in these photos become memorable for all the wrong reasons. Keep reading for some seriously hilarious photos of weddings that went completely wrong, in the funniest ways.

One Look, Hundreds of Questions

Does the groom know what's happening? Is the bride angry or just in pain? This picture is a mix of extreme clumsiness with intense reaction from the guests in the background, and of course, none of this looks like it was supposed to happen. Although this seems to be an unexpected accident, this photograph, that was captured at the perfect time will forever be something to laugh about.

It seems like dad might have taken a wrong step here and created a moment where pretty much everyone is shocked and confused, including the bride and groom.

Nobody Messes With This Bride

This woman might be one of the toughest brides on the planet and wants us to know that she's way cooler than all of us, even while wearing a wedding dress. It's a strong statement and a job well done because it's not hard to get the point after seeing this picture. Hopefully, the groom doesn't plan on running off anytime soon. That doesn't seem like a wise thing to do.

Nobody is allowed to ruin this bride's special day, and that's loud and clear. Nobody will even want to try in the first place since she's walking around with a deadly weapon.

This Little Boy Made a Big Move

These people at this backyard wedding seem like they are all having a good time, maybe too good; in fact, because everyone is pretty much oblivious to the most obvious thing in this picture. The young boy is sneaking a peek to find out about what is going on under that dress, and the bride wouldn't be too happy if she were aware of the fact, which is undeniably comical.

A Tiny Dog With a Huge Attitude

This little dog clearly felt something about this couple getting married and decided to act while his confused puppy friend observed from the sidelines. Either that or he simply wanted to play, and the closest thing that could provide a bit of fun was this bride's wedding dress. It may not be the most appropriate toy, but he does seem like he's having a great time.

Looks like this small dog was the only one truly objecting to this wedding, and although he might be serious, the only evident results of his attitude are a couple of laughs.

A Coincidence or a Precautionary Sign

Indeed, marriage licenses tend to cause mental health issues for millions of people and for hundreds of reasons. So, the two departments coming together in this picture might be the universe telling this newlywed couple that they should be stopping while they're ahead. Though the combined location of both of these places certainly saves space as well as time for anyone visiting, hopefully, this couple will only need to visit one of these departments.

There might very well be a logical reason as to why this Mental Health Department shares a space with the Marriage Licence Bureau, and we can't imagine that it's a good one.

This Dog Went in For a Flowery Bite

Bouquets are a big part of every wedding, and the latest trendy thing is to include pets in wedding photos. This is what you get when you combine the two! Surely, this little guy didn't ruin the moment and actually might have just made these wedding photos ten times cuter. This dog clearly made a grand attempt to destroy his mom's flowers, but we can still consider him to be a very good and dapper dog, disciplined or not- he's truly adorable.

This pup went in for a munch, and couldn't resist the temptation of those flowers. Or, he didn't want anyone else catching the bouquet and made sure he got first pick.

This Is Exactly What It Looks Like

Anyone that comes across this picture is undoubtedly confused, and the first question that comes to mind is, why? Based on the mortified but also hysterical look on the bride's face, this isn't an illusion caused by the camera angle. It looks like the groom was carrying out all of the fun and games, but let's hope this isn't some kind of family tradition that will continue in the future.

This couple took guest entertainment to the maximum at their wedding. It's awkward to look at but does seem to have been successful based on the laughing faces in the background.

A Romantic Beach Setting Gone Wrong

This could have almost been the perfect wedding photo; the clear blue ocean, the fluffy white sand, the clear sky, and the beautiful white dress flowing in the wind until you notice the dancing man dressed in a bright red speedo in the background. Forget the happy couple; this man wanted to be the center of attention during a moment of romance and obviously didn't really take anything else into consideration.

The dancing fella in the background made one of the funniest wedding day photo fails ever. But it is definitely unique!

Just a Random Family Photo Bomb

Wedding guests tend to make things interesting and bring fun to even the stuffiest event. That fact is proven in this picture as the two women are taking the time to make this picture one to remember. Next time, this couple might want to take a quick look over their shoulders before capturing any photos together, or maybe not. One thing is for sure; this would look great in a picture frame.

This couple clearly didn't look to see what was behind them before taking this photo, so their friends and family assumed that this was a perfect photo bombing moment and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Wedding Guest That Partied a Bit Too Hard

These girls probably weren't happy to see how they looked after they sobered up the next day. There's no way to know how many drinks they had, but there must have been quite a few to get a picture like that. Although good for them for having a good time while taking advantage of what very possibly could have been an open bar. Can you really blame them?

Dancing and drinking are the best parts of a wedding, and these guests took advantage of that while the camera caught them at all of their worst moments of the night.

This Mischievous Kid Has a Lot to Say

The youngest boy here is basically protesting everything that is going on by doing the obvious, while everyone else doesn't seem to be as upset as he is. This is giving off maximum youngest sibling syndrome vibes, and it looks like he was able to get his point across quickly and efficiently. That move was a silent killer that remained unnoticed until the happy couple went back and looked at the photos from the big day.

The little boy in this picture had absolutely no problem with ruining a perfectly good wedding photo, that is, if he even knows what sticking up the middle finger means.

Nobody Knows What's Going on Here

Go ahead, blink twice, rub your eyes, and maybe even go ahead and pretend you didn't see this after scrolling through this article. These two might have been trying to be funny, or genuinely believed that this would make for an elegant and beautiful wedding picture. Regardless, the only people who could actually laugh at this would be the bride and groom; any other viewers will only consider it plain weird.

This position doesn't make for a wedding-appropriate photo, but this is their special day, so they get to make the rules, and if that includes this pose, we'll let it be.

The Weirdest Optical Illusion

Hopefully, the photographer was able to get photos from a few other angles because this specific one seriously went utterly wrong. After looking at this for more than a few seconds, it's not hard to understand that this is just a bride riding a horse down the street, but it's those first moments that truly matter, and initially, the beautiful bride looks like more like a person with horse legs.

This illusion, caused by the extra-long dress, has turned this woman into what looks to be a real-life centaur on her special day. Thankfully, she isn't actually half bride or part horse. We think.

Some People Are Die-Hard Plankers

This would have been the perfect wedding picture if there wasn't a person planking in the background. People who plank will do them anywhere and everywhere, so a church, like the one in the photo, obviously wasn't off-limits. It almost looks like the man is perfectly placed on top of the couple, but thankfully, this wasn't the case, and he's just chilling on top of some kind of wooden structure.

Planking is a popular thing nowadays, and people who do it break out into planks in every setting. That includes a newlywed photo, regardless of if it would ruin the moment.

The Tallest Bride in The World

You might think that this was a bride with record-breaking height who, for some reason, decided to wear dress pants underneath her gown. But, this woman is simply being lifted by her super strong husband, who is hidden under the dress. Even the random stranger in the background looks to have been slightly confused as he glances; obviously, we can't blame him because we were probably thinking the same.


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