The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.



I went on a visit to a General hospital somewhere in Abuja and was shocked to see an Idoma lady in pain as the result of a miscarriage she was having. Imagine the pain a woman experiences when she lost her pregnancy. She was afraid of following the instruction of the medical doctor considering the tradition of her people. The doctor took his time to explain to her why it was necessary to evacuate her womb because of the miscarriage. The doctor's explanation clearly showed that the evacuation was the only advisable thing to do as that will prevent subsequent reoccurrence of miscarriage or subsequent pregnancy with complications.
According to this doctor, the remnants of what would come out will definitely decay inside her and this could result to another terrible sickness. This lady reluctantly adhered to the advice of the doctor. Fortunately as was expected she became well again after that medical exercise; but unfortunately, she had broken the law of Alekwu Otukpa. The elders insisted that she must do Alekwu rituals. That may sound bad but what was worse, she had to provide a male and female goats, pay a sum of #5000, and provide a crate of drinks for the elders before this could be done. The husband was exempted because he claimed he was ignorant of the whole thing. 
The question now is, ‘Is Miscarriage an Abortion?’ what would have happened if it were an Abortion? And when she provided all these things, the elders had to sit and eat, drink and take the remnant home. Is this actually a show of love or concern for this young miserable lady or wickedness?
It is high time the educated men and women, particularly the youths takes their stand to say enough is enough. It is time to reform the law and the tradition for the development of the society and the betterment of the people of Idoma. Your integrity as a gentle man or lady with many academic qualifications is questionable if you fail to act as you ought to act as a learned person. Reformation is not malformation, it is a formation that is conscious of ‘here and now’. A formation that listens to the voice of reason.
I am not a practitioner or a believer of African traditional Religion but I hold it in high esteem because in it lies the philosophy of the Africans. Before the advent of Christianity and Islam, the African Traditional religion was the only religious practice of our fathers; and it can be said with certainty that their ways of life were not totally devoid of reason. Change they said is constant. If we are moving with time then I expect that reformation should take place so that there can be development in our society. Custodians of this tradition should be encouraged to uphold that which is good in it and that which is bad, immoral and irrational should be disinfected from it as well.
Every good law has its basis on morality, otherwise there won’t be need for it in the society. My concern is ‘why practising what does not contribute to the development of the society or practising that which does not uphold the integrity of every individual in the society?’ Women suffer this more! The laws of ‘Alekwu’ so much reduce them that they are not so much considered when we talk about significant people in the society.
I have no problem with people who believe so much in Alekwu. It is their belief and courtesy demands that we respect each other’s religion or tradition but I become disturbed when a particular group of persons are given inhuman and degrading treatment for what is not really their fault or what nature makes them experience.
I believe that the reason we are not progressing or experiencing development in our society despite the  innumerable professors and doctors we have is because we are not ready to reform what ought to be reformed. We believe that change will come even if we hold on to the doctrines and the old ways of life of our ancient fathers. Particularly those ones that are devoid of reason and are degrading our personality as social beings.
Let us look at some instances where reformation took place which resulted to peace, unity and development in the society;
- Through the powerful influence of Mary Slessor, some Africans who were seeing twins as abominations or taboos and were killing them did not only stop killing them but are praying now  to have twins. Mary Slessor had successfully reformed the tradition. She did not destroy it.
- Before now, slaves were given inhuman and degrading treatment. Some of them were buried alive with dead kings and queens and some prominent people who died. Now, that is no longer in practice but the ancient tradition is still held in high esteem.
- Before now in some African countries particularly Nigeria, we were hearing of human sacrifice or blood sacrifice to appease the gods or the goddesses but that is no longer in practice. Their traditions have not been destroyed. Reformation only took place. 
No doubt, some laws of Otukpa regarding Alekwu are preventing people from misbehaving.
- Atleast one will think twice before committing abortion. 
- Wives have no other option than to remain faithful to their spouses (even as this law is biased as men are free but women are not),
- Atleast we don’t hear of incest in our society. 
But what is bad and even worse;
- Women who suffered miscarriages are made to feel guilty for it, 
- Husband and wife are restricted from carrying out some practices that are not really bad and that will even help their marriage to stand strong.
- Wives cannot give alms to their parents and loved ones without the consent of the husband. Imagine how miserable and bad a generous woman or philanthropist who is married to a stingy man or a miser would feel. 
The laws which make people suffer all these are not moral laws. These are laws borne out of human frailties, selfish interests and wrong philosophies.
In a nutshell, some laws of Otukpa regarding Alekwu ought to be cancelled to give room for reformation. Reformation is a tool necessary for developing and ensuring harmony in the society. The absurdity in these doctrines or traditions is the reason we are still sitting down where we have been... we need to stand up and do what is right because freedom to life is our right. 
Revolution is not necessary, violence is not the way forward; peaceful protest is all we need and it is encouraged if and only if the elders refuse to listen to the voice of reason; and if they are not ready to abandon the theory of ‘AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING’, Reformation will be possible when it becomes the business of all including women. Are idoma women going to reject and correct or modify those doctrines which reduce them to people that are insignificant in the society or are they going to fold their hands and continue to suffer in silence? Women may not have many men listening to them or supporting them but they need not to be told that they can trigger what will help them live like every other respected woman in other places. They need not to be told that the ministry of women affair in the federal and state level is their office where their freedom to life can be negotiated. 
I encourage all men to be positive, selfless  in their dealings and strive after what will bring peace, equity and harmony in the society. It is by this that we know men of integrity.
I strongly believe that our society will experience change soon. What I don't know is whether the reformation necessary to effect this change will be done by the people of this generation or the next generation.
My humble opinion.



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