The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

I had a hair transplant because I hated my huge forehead - now I'm helping other women feel more confident

I had a hair transplant because I hated my huge forehead - now I'm helping other women feel more confident

A woman, who hated her large forehead, has undergone an impressive hair transplant in a bid to regain her confidence.

Sonja Van Den Berg, 33, from Rotterdam in the


, always felt self conscious about her hairline worrying about windy days blowing her locks back and revealing her forehead.

She decided to do something about her insecurity once-and-for-all and she visited a clinic in the Netherlands to get a hair transplant which would lower her hairline on her forehead.

The procedure cost her almost £2500 and she was so delighted with the results that she decided to set up her own company to help others gain the confidence they need.

Sonja Van Den Berg, 33, from Rotterdam in the Netherlands, who hated her large forehead, has undergone an impressive hair transplant in a bid to regain her confidence

She is now the founder of Beauty Gainz a company which offers all-inclusive hair transplant trips to Istanbul and Turkey.

This transplant gave her the ability to wear her hair in many new ways and she doesn't have to worry about covering her forehead when it gets windy.

During the procedure follicles were extracted from the back of her head which was shaved and individual hairs are were removed.

Then the grafts were placed into tiny cuts made elsewhere in the scalp to promote hair growth.

Sonja said: 'It's funny how something so subtle can make such a big difference. Honestly, I feel a little sad that I didn't know about the procedure earlier.

'Finally, I can wear my hair in ways and styles that I wasn't comfortable with before my hair transplant, and when it's windy outside I don't feel the need to hide my forehead when the wind blows my hair.

Woman has hair transplant as she hated her huge forehead

She decided to do something about her insecurity once-and-for-all and she visited a clinic in the Netherlands to get a hair transplant which would lower her hairline on her forehead

The procedure cost her almost £2500 and she was so delighted with the results that she decided to set up her own company to help others gain the confidence they need

A line was drawn on Sonja's forehead to indicate her were her new hairline will be after the procedure

During the procedure follicles were extracted from the back of her head which was shaved and individual hairs are were removed

A hair transplant is a procedure to move hair to an area that's thin or bald.

It's cosmetic surgery therefore it is only available in private clinics.

In the UK it can cost anywhere between £1,000 and £30,000, depending on the extent of hair loss.

The procedure:

Follicular unit transplantation

Follicular unit extraction

'I'm also looking forward to swimming in the summer because I don't have to worry about when I dive into the pool and my forehead being more exposed when I get out of the water.

'I never expected this much interest but it's nice that I am able to help women who share the same insecurity that I had.

'There are also some negative comments from people who ask me why I don't just get bangs or tell me just to accept who you are.

'However, it's about what makes me happy and if I can help other people to feel more confident then it makes me double as happy.'


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