
Showing posts from April, 2024

The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

24-Yr-old Jagbir Kour, was brutally burnt to death by her husband sister in-law.

24-Yr-old Jagbir Kour, was brutally burnt to death by her husband sister in-law.   24-Yr-old Jagbir Kour, was burnt to death. She was married and was staying at her in-laws in Lam, Nowshera, district Rajouri. Parents of the deceased allege she was set on fire by her  in-laws.  Police said it has registered a case and investigation has started

The Missing Paperboy: What Happened To Johnny Gosch?

 The Missing Paperboy: What Happened To Johnny Gosch? John David Gosch — Johnny to his friends and family — always insisted he was old enough to complete his newspaper route alone, but his father usually accompanied the 12-year-old on Sundays because the newspapers were heavier. Johnny would normally follow the same routine every Sunday; he would get up early, get dressed, and wake his father up. The two of them would then make the two-block walk from their West Des Moines, Iowa home to the newspaper drop-off site, where Johnny would load his bundles of papers into his red wagon. On Sunday, September 5, 1982, Johnny got up early but didn’t wake his father up like he usually did. Instead, around 5:45 am he quietly slipped out of the house, taking only his dachshund, Gretchen, for company. Johnny, towing the red wagon he used to carry his newspapers, made his way toward the Des Moines Register drop-off site to pick up the papers he needed for the 37 customers

Top 10 Loneliest People In History

 Top 10 Loneliest People In History It is fair to say that many people are feeling isolated at the moment. Even though maintaining your distance is the best way you can show your love for others at the moment humans are by nature social animals and everyone is missing a little human contact. There have been times in history though where people, either by their own choice or very much against their will, have been separated from others. Whether it was for a long time or by a vast distance here are ten of the most isolated people who ever lived. 10) Simeon Stylites Modern saints tend to be viewed as those who go out into the community and help others, expressing the supernatural through their heroic efforts to improve people’s lives. The criteria for sainthood in the ancient world was often quite different. Early saints renounced this world entirely. One of the ways saints did this was to avoid society as much as possible. Monasteries in the desert allowed sim


 A COURAGEOUS DOG FEARLESSLY FACE TWO LIONS TO SAVE HIS OWNER, DISPLAYING A INCREDIBLE ACT OF HEROISM In our society it is often the Lion out of all others in the animal kingdom that gets associated with courage. Why is that? Lets look at the facts.  The Lion is an apex predator weighing in at a cool 220kg with enough power to pull down a full grown buffalo.  It will drive off younger males from the pride as they mature and could potentially compete for the attention of the females. It has no natural predators but can be driven off a kill by a group of hyaena’s.  Not exactly the attributes for courage that would make a Mills and Boon hero. A little bit more leaning towards being a bully if you ask me! The word courage has an origin circa.1300, from Old French corage meaning "heart, innermost feelings”.  A more modern definition is “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty”. Now let’s look

Scientists Are Just Now Figuring Out The Mysterious Disease That Nearly Wiped Out The Aztecs.

 Scientists Are Just Now Figuring Out The Mysterious Disease That Nearly Wiped Out The Aztecs. For hundreds of years, history left us wondering what disease killed the Aztecs in the mid-1500s. Many assumed the Aztecs were one of many Central American groups to be wiped out by European diseases like smallpox. However, DNA testing has unearthed new evidence about what really killed 80% of the Aztecs.  Scientists extracted DNA from Aztec teeth, and discovered the presence of a strand of Salmonella. Research on climate change in Mexico at the time indicates droughts could have precipitated the spread of disease. Some things remain unexplained, however; only continued research can explain how a massive epidemic ravaged the Aztecs and whether the invading Spanish introduced something fatal to the population.  An Infectious Bacteria Was Responsible For Wiping Out Native Populations For many years, scientists theorized about what could have caused the virulent ep