
Showing posts from November, 2023

The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

Randy couple filmed having sex by astonished walkers on mountain peak

 Randy couple filmed having sex by astonished walkers on mountain peak Randy couple filmed having sex by astonished walkers on mountain peak The saucy pair's intimate encounter on a mountain top has been shared by thousands on social media Randy couple filmed having sex by astonished walkers on mountain peak The saucy pair's intimate encounter on a mountain top has been shared by thousands on social media A RANDY couple were caught on camera having sex on a mountain peak known locally as the 'Door of the Devil'. This amorous pair were filmed romping on the tourist beauty spot overlooking Panchimalco in El Salvador. They got hot and steamy not realising their passionate encounter would be shared by thousands of people on social media. The couple - who have not been identified - were seen by astonished walkers on another peak who snapped the lovers in the height of p


 THE JAPANESE WERE SO MERCILESSLY TO EVERYBODY THEY CONQUERED DURING THE WWII. the Japanese military was intensely brutal, and the infliction of physical violence Why were the Japanese so merciless to Chinese people during World War II? The Japanese were merciless to everybody they conquered, not just the Chinese. It just happened that the Chinese were the most numerous people under Japanese occupation, and the ones that the Japanese got started on first: they invaded China in 1937, nearly 5 years before they went on a rampage throughout the rest of Asia. As to why the Japanese were so merciless, it came down to intense Japanese racism, on par with the Nazis in believing that they were racially superior to everybody else, plus their warped bushido code of honor whereby surrender was the ultimate disgrace and ipso facto proof of inferiority. To top it off, the Japanese military was intensely brutal, and the infliction of physical violence by superiors upon their subordi

Cambodian Genocide Officially Recognized As Two Perpetrators Receive Life Imprisonment

 Cambodian Genocide Officially Recognized As Two Perpetrators Receive Life Imprisonment "It may be finished, but I won't ever have peace." Four decades after Cambodian dictator Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge regime orchestrated the deaths of at least 1.6 million of their own people, the country is finally gaining some small new semblance of closure. A United Nations-backed tribunal called the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia has officially ruled the atrocities a genocide. Those atrocities began in 1975, after Pol Pot and his communist forces took over Cambodia, dubbed it “year zero,” and reverted the country to a classless agrarian society. From there, the Khmer Rouge forces set their sights on all perceived enemies of their new state: anti-communists, intellectuals, Vietnamese, Chinese, Cham Muslims, Buddhists, and any and all groups that might oppose their radical new vision. Many of these people were sent to prisons and forced labor camps w

laughed the whole time I read this. Here's your sign... DEER HUNTERS.

laughed the whole time I read this. Here's your sign... DEER HUNTERS.  I laughed the whole time I read this.   Here's your sign... DEER HUNTERS.  (A letter from someone who wants to remain anonymous, who farms, writes well and actually tried this)            I had this idea that I could rope a deer, put it in a stall, feed it up on corn for a couple of weeks, then kill it and eat it.  The first step in this adventure was getting a deer.  I figured that, since they congregate at my cattle feeder and do not seem to have much Fear of me when we are there (a bold one will sometimes come right up and sniff at the bags of feed while I am in the back of the truck not 4 feet away), it should not be difficult to rope one, get up to it and toss a bag over its head (to calm it down) then hog tie it and transport it home.          I filled the cattle feeder then hid down at the end with my rope. The cattle, having seen the roping thing before, stayed well back.  They were

What are the most disturbing facts about WWII that most people do not know?

 What are the most disturbing facts about WWII that most people do not know? What are the most disturbing facts about WWII that most people do not know? 1. Children's wounds are not all outward, 1948. Teresa Adwentowska lived in Warsaw during Nazi occupation and during the Warsaw uprising. She was put into a home for traumatized children. She was asked to draw what her home looked like and this is what she drew. Both her parents passed away due to their association with the Polish resistance. Between 1948 and 1975, the United States Army utilized former Nazi scientists to assist in conducting experiments that exposed around 7,000 American soldiers to a variety of chemicals.  2. The Soviet 13th Gaurds Rifle Division, one of the units in the Battle of Stalingrad, suffered 30% killed in the first day of fighting. Just 320 of the original 10,000 soldiers survived the entire battle. 3.Between 1948 and 1975, the United States Army utilized former Nazi scientists to assist

The horrific incident.

 The horrific incident. This incident began with the Japanese who were furious with the Chinese Resistance, and when Nanking, the capital of China, fell in December 1937, Japanese troops immediately massacred thousands of Chinese soldiers who had surrendered to them. The Japanese then rounded up about 20,000 Chinese youths and transported them by truck to the outside of the city walls, where they would be massacred there. Japanese troops then looted the city of Nanking and raped most of the city’s female population. A large number of rapes were carried out systematically by Japanese soldiers, they went door to door looking for girls and women who were then arrested and gang-raped. And to make matters worse, the women were killed after they were raped. It is estimated that around 20,000 women including children and the elderly were raped during the Japanese occupation of Nanking city. For six weeks, everyday Chinese life felt like a nightmare. A group of drunken Japanes


 5 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE ELECTRIC CHAIR 1. Once, an unknown citizen of the state of New York saw a drunk man accidentally touch the contact of an electric generator, he died of electric shock. The man told this to his friend, Senator David Macmillan. The senator thought that this would be a good way to execute criminals. He voiced this proposal to Congress. It was accepted and passed into law. 2. The first person who was executed in the electric chair (August 6, 1890) was William Kemmler, who had hacked his wife with an ax. 3. Criminals had many names for the Electric Chair: Old Sparky, Yellow Mama, Gruesome Gertie, Sizzling Sally or Hot Seat. 4. The United States eventually stopped production of electric chairs. The old ones often fail during the execution, prolonging the torment of a person. 5. There were two cases when death by electric chair was replaced with life imprisonment, but an electric shock still found the sentenced person. In both accidents the ca

On the 24th August 1867 Fanny Adams , her younger sister Minnie and a friend left their house to go for a walk.

 On the 24th August 1867 Fanny Adams , her younger sister Minnie and a friend left their house to go for a walk. The group were approached by a smartly dressed man in a black coat who offered Minnie and their friend money to leave and go get sweets, which they did. The man then offered Fanny a half-penny if she would accompany him to ‘The Hollow’, she refused and he picked her up and took her anyway. Several hours later Minnie returned home without Fanny and told their mother about the meeting with the man in the black coat. Worried Mrs Adams, went to look for Fanny with the help of a neighbor, Mrs Gardiner. Whilst searching they saw a man in a black coat walking back to the village from the direction of The Hollow...   Mrs Gardiner accosted him and demanded to know what he had done with Fanny, the man shrugged off her claims “Nothing, I gave the girls money, but only to buy sweets which I often do to children.” The two women remained unconvinced, but then the man told


ON THIS DAY, OVER 600,000 AZERBAIJANIS WERE CONSCRIPTED TO THE RED ARMY DURING WORLD WAR II, AND ABOUT 300,000 AZERBAIJANIS TROOPS WERE KILLED. On this day 2nd November 1942. Over 600,000 Azerbaijanis were conscripted to the Red army during World War II from 1942 to 1945. Out of them, about 300,000 Azerbaijani troops were killed. 13.Panzer of German III Panzer Korps reached what will be the farthest point to the southeast reached by the German military when it was halted by Soviet forces 5 miles outside Ordshonikidze, Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan played an important part in Operation Barbarossa and was essential to the Soviet war effort. Four out of five Soviet aircraft, tanks and trucks used in World War II ran on fuel produced in Baku refineries from oil extracted in the Baku oil fields. From the start of Operation Barbarossa, when German troops invaded the USSR in June 1941, until the end of the war, Azerbaijan produced 75 million tonnes of crude oil, 80% of the union’s p

This shocking x-ray of Chen (Anthony) Liu’s skull clearly shows nails embedded in his head and neck.

This shocking x-ray of Chen (Anthony) Liu’s skull clearly shows nails embedded in his head and neck.  This shocking x-ray of Chen (Anthony) Liu’s skull clearly shows nails embedded in his head and neck. Chen Liu was a #Chinese immigrant who came to #Australia in 2000 on a student visa. He was reported missing by a friend in October 2008, and his body was found by two children in a marshland near Sydney on November 1, 2008. He had been shot 34 times in the head and neck with a high-powered nail gun, which is a very rare and brutal method of murder. The police released an x-ray image of his skull, showing the nails embedded in his flesh. The killer has never been caught, and the motive for the crime remains unknown. This is one of the most shocking and unsolved cases in Australian history.

Nearly 4,000 African Americans Were Lynched In One 73-Year Period

 Nearly 4,000 African Americans Were Lynched In One 73-Year Period Nearly 4,000 African Americans Were Lynched In One 73-Year Period between 1877 and 1950, 3,959 African Americans were lynched — 700 more incidents than had ever been calculated before, black lynchings in the South occurred when unsubstantiated suspicions arose about black involvement in white society, and when African Americans actively resisted racial subordination. In 1904, a man named General Lee was accused of knocking on a white woman's door in Reevesville, South Carolina. He was lynched by a white mob. When World War I veteran William Little refused to remove his army uniform in front of a group of white men in Blakely, Georgia, in 1919, he was also attacked and lynched by a mob. When World War I veteran William Little refused to remove his army uniform in front of a group of white men in Blakely, Georgia, in 1919, he was also attacked and lynched by a mob. Many of the lynchings were justifie

Brought from his homeland in central Africa and displayed like an animal in New York City, New York. Ota Benga

 Brought from his homeland in central Africa and displayed like an animal in New York City, New York. Ota Benga Ota Benga was a teenage boy brought from his homeland in central Africa and displayed like an animal at the Bronx Zoo in New York City, New York. Benga was born sometime in 1883 in the Ituri Forest in what would soon become the Congo Free State (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo). He was born into the Mbuti Pygmy colony, one of many small bands of extended family groups of between 15 to 20 people. These colonies were nomadic, moving from one temporary village or camp to another as dictated by the seasons and hunting opportunities throughout the year.  At the 1885 Berlin Conference that partitioned Africa, King Leopold II of Belgium was allowed to take possession of the Congo Free State. In order to make his possession profitable, Leopold began to exploit the region’s resources including rubber and imposed forced labor on the inhabitants inc

Man caught on CCTV drowning three-year-old stepdaughter in pool jailed for 100 years

 Man caught on CCTV drowning three-year-old stepdaughter in pool jailed for 100 years WARNING - UPSETTING CONTENT: Jose David N. is shown repeatedly throwing the tot into the water knowing she could not swim A man who was caught on camera throwing his three-year-old stepdaughter into a swimming pool before leaving her to drown has been jailed for 100 years. Harrowing CCTV footage shows the killer, identified only as Jose David N., repeatedly tossing the child into the water. The little girl - who could not swim - is seen struggling to stay afloat as her stepfather stands by and watches. Other bathers as shown hastily exiting the pool , leaving the man to condemn the tot to a horrific death. The shocking surveillance footage was filmed in the city of Morelia, in the south-western Mexican state of Michoacan on August 12, 2015. It sparked outrage across South America when the vid


 BRITISH SOLDIERS WITH A DITCHED MARK IV TANK IN A GERMAN TRENCH DURING THE FIRST BATTLE OF CAMBRAI....  British soldiers with a ditched Mark IV tank in a German trench during the First Battle of Cambrai, November 20, 1917. Today 106 years ago, on November 20, 1917, the First Battle of Cambrai began on the Western Front. Following the conclusion of the Third Battle of Ypres, the British were desperate for success. An offensive was planned towards the French city of Cambrai, as this was fresh ground that hadn't been ravaged much by the war. Cambrai was also an important supply hub for the Germans. The attack were to be carried out by the British Third Army, which would deploy more tanks at once than ever before in the war, as well as new artillery techniques to break through the German lines.  On November 20, 1917, following a hurricane bombardment, the British attacked at Cambrai with 476 tanks and 110,000 infantrymen. As the British infantry only attacked 20 minutes

The pregnant man.

 The pregnant man. Sanju Bhagat was born in Nagpur, India, in 1963. He had a normal life until his late 20s when his abdomen began to protrude as if he was pregnant. It kept increasing until he couldn't carry out his daily activities. Things got out of hand in 1999 when his breathing almost stopped  due to his extremely enlarged abdomen which didn't give his chest room to take in air; he was rushed to the hospital. At the hospital, the doctors believed he had a massive tumor growing inside of him and worked him up for surgery. To their utter amazement, when they opened him up, they saw a baby in his stomach. It appeared Sanju didn't have a tumor, he had his unborn brother growing inside of him for more than 35 years. In medical terms, this was a rare case of fetus-in-fetu. Basically, what happens is that one twin doesn't fully separate from the other during development, and ends up growing inside of the other twin's body. The twin that's growi
 A childless man meets an unfamiliar lady at his wife’s grave, is shocked to hear her call her Mommy. A childless and lonely elderly man visits his wife’s grave daily, bringing her flowers and sitting beside her for hours. One day, he happens to meet an unfamiliar young lady there who calls his wife “Mommy,” and he’s startled, to say the least.  Albert places his late wife’s favorite lilies against her gravestone and gently runs his fingers over the name engraved on it in memory of Carol, beloved wife of Albert. “How are you doing, darling?” Albert asks her as he sits down on the prickly grass. “Isn’t the weather lovely today?” In the sodium gleam of the sun on the slightly chilly morning, Albert is visiting his wife Carol again to spend some time with her. He has been doing that for as long as he can remember. That day, Albert spends the whole morning and afternoon with Carol before leaving her with a promise that he’ll revisit her the next day. When he turns around