The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

What are the most disturbing facts about WWII that most people do not know?

 What are the most disturbing facts about WWII that most people do not know?

What are the most disturbing facts about WWII that most people do not know?

1. Children's wounds are not all outward, 1948. Teresa Adwentowska lived in Warsaw during Nazi occupation and during the Warsaw uprising. She was put into a home for traumatized children. She was asked to draw what her home looked like and this is what she drew. Both her parents passed away due to their association with the Polish resistance.
Between 1948 and 1975, the United States Army utilized former Nazi scientists to assist in conducting experiments that exposed around 7,000 American soldiers to a variety of chemicals. 

2. The Soviet 13th Gaurds Rifle Division,

one of the units in the Battle of Stalingrad, suffered 30% killed in the first day of fighting. Just 320 of the original 10,000 soldiers survived the entire battle.

3.Between 1948 and 1975, the United States Army utilized former Nazi scientists to assist in conducting experiments that exposed around 7,000 American soldiers to a variety of chemicals. 

These substances ranged from mustard gas and sarin to PCP and LSD. 

These unsettling human trials were carried out under the supervision of "Dr. Delirium" at the Edgewood Arsenal facility in Maryland. As a result of these experiments, the Army accumulated a staggering $1 billion worth of LSD. Some experiments involved doctors applying lethal chemicals onto the arms of volunteers to observe their reactions, while in other cases, soldiers were administered pills without any knowledge of their contents. Reflecting on his experience, one participant later expressed, "Had I been informed about its effects, I would have never agreed to take it," upon discovering that the "aspirin" he had ingested was, in fact, LSD.

4. On Sep 13, 1944, a princess from India lay dead at Dachau concentration camp. 

She had been tortured by the Nazis and then shot in the head. Her name was Noor Inayat Khan.

The Germans knew her only as Nora Baker, a British spy who had gone into occupied France using the code name Madeline. She carried her transmitter from safe house to safe house with the Gestapo trailing her, providing communications for her Resistance unit.

Wireless operators in France had a life expectancy of six weeks. Noor was actively transmitting for over three times as long.

While she was in France, every other wireless operator in her network was slowly picked off until she was the last radio link between London and Paris. It was "the most dangerous and important post in France."

She was offered a way back to Britain and refused.

In fact, in her transmissions to London, she once said that she was having the time of her life, and thanked them for giving her the opportunity to do this.

She was captured by the Gestapo, but never gave up; she made three attempts at escape. One involved asking to take a bath, insisting on being allowed to close the door to preserve her modesty, and then clambering onto the roof of the Gestapo HQ in Paris.

Her last word before being shot was, "Liberté!"

5.After the Battle of Ambon, Japanese soldiers massacred hundreds of POWs. 

Allied casualties in the battle were relatively light. However, at intervals for a fortnight after the surrender, IJN personnel chose more than 300 Australian and Dutch prisoners of war at random and summarily executed them, at or near Laha airfield. About 300 of those men who surrendered at Laha airfield on Ambon were killed in four separate massacres around the airfield. They were bayoneted, clubbed to death or beheaded. None survived.

In part, this was revenge for the sinking of the Japanese minesweeper, as some surviving crew of the minesweeper took part. Those killed included Wing Commander Scott and Major Newbury. According to an Australian War Memorial principal historian, Dr Peter Stanley, over the following three and a half years, the surviving POWs:

...suffered an ordeal and a death rate second only to the horrors of Sandakan, first on Ambon and then after many were sent to the island of Hainan [China] late in 1942. Three-quarters of the Australians captured on Ambon had died before the war's end. Of the 582 who remained on Ambon, 405 died. They died of overwork, malnutrition, disease and one of the most brutal regimes among camps in which bashings were routine.

6. One lesser-known disturbing fact is the Unit 731 experiments conducted by Imperial Japan. 

This covert biological and chemical warfare research unit performed inhumane experiments on thousands of Chinese, Korean, and other prisoners of war. The experiments included vivisection, germ warfare trials, and other atrocities.

7. Approximately 1.5 million children lost their lives in the Holocaust. 

- Rape of Berlin
- Firebombing of Tokyo
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki had some of the largest Christian communities in Japan
- Firebombing of Dresden
- Forewarning of the attack on Pearl Harbour
- Britain and France would have attacked Germany if Poland had entered an offensive war


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