The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

Iran: 40 executions in 2 weeks, two of them women

Iran: 40 executions in 2 weeks, two of them women

Iran: 40 executions in 2 weeks, two of them women 
The outraged people of Mahmoudabad disrupted scene of execution of a young prisoner

The wheels of atrocity and brutality ceaselessly spin in the religious fascism ruling Iran. On a daily basis, Iranians see in their streets and squares bodies hanged from cranes, amputation of fingers by guillotine… Just a glimpse at the dossier of the criminals ruling Iran, whom the Iranians call the godfather of ISIS, in a time span of two weeks, is as follows:

On Tuesday, September 2, a young prisoner by the name of Mohsen D was hanged in public in Mahmoudabad (northern Iran). A day prior, at dawn, the outraged people of Mahmoudabad disrupted the scene of regime’s henchmen attempting to execute this young man. The officers of the suppressive forces were coerced to stop the execution out of fear that the protest would spread. The “Iran” state daily wrote: “3000 people who roared, shouted and resorted to physical action by attacking the security cordon caused the execution to be cancelled.”

On the next day, the vicious mullahs brought in a large number of intelligence agents and security forces and through adopting unparalleled security provisions, publicly hanged this young prisoner. (Fars News Agency, affiliated with Revolutionary Guards – September 2)
On September 1, at least 10 prisoners in Ghezel Hessar Prison in Karaj were collectively hanged. It has been said that those executed were the prisoners who were active in the recent riot in this prison.
On August 26 and 28, thirteen prisoners, in two groups of eight and five, were executed in the central prison of Bandar Abbas. 

On August 23, 27 and 28, at least five prisoners were hanged in the central prison of Zahedan. Morad Shaybak, 35, was executed on August 27 after spending 12 years in prison. Nourollah Barahouei and Alireza Shahbakhsh, together with a female prisoner who was his relative, were collectively hanged on August 23.
On August 27, one prisoner was hanged in the central prison of Saq’qez.
On August 26, five prisoners, including a woman, were executed in Shahab Prison of Kerman. Likewise, on August 19, another prisoner was also executed in this prison.
On August 26, the state-run newspaper of Khorasan reported the execution of one prisoner in Mashhad Prison. 

On August 24, the state-run media reported the public execution of two prisoners in the cities of Sari (northern Iran) and Borazjan (southern Iran). The mullahs’ regime published images of this anti-human act in order to intensify the atmosphere of fear. (IRGC news agency of Fars and Asr Iran Website)

On August 21, one prisoner, 50, who was a retired bank employee, was publicly hanged in Qazvin. (Mehr state news agency - August 23) 
On August 19, one prisoner was executed in public (in Motahari Square) in Khoy Township.
Meanwhile, a man who had been executed 19 years ago and had miraculously survived and his death sentence canceled, has been once again sentenced to death by the mullahs’ judiciary in a process that is even inconsistent with the regime’s own laws.  

On August 19, four fingers of the right hand of a prisoner charged with robbery were publicly amputated with guillotine in Abarkuh Township in Yazd Province. (ISNA state news agency - August 22) 
The spread of the wave of executions in different cities throughout the country which has reached 1000 executions since Mullah Rouhani took office, has added to people’s abhorrence for this brutal punishment. 

Closing the eyes to the catastrophic situation of human rights in Iran, under whatever excuse, has had no result other than emboldening the criminals ruling Iran. 
The Iranian Resistance once again underscores the necessity of referring the dossier of the Iranian regime’s violation of human rights to the UN Security Council.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 3, 2014


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