The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

The story The Giant of Kandahar – Tracking Down The Giant Of Afghanistan.

The story The Giant of Kandahar – Tracking Down The Giant Of Afghanistan.

This seems like a big story, but we don’t know how it really is. This story may never be revealed, whether this is a total myth or a true story that is hidden.

The story The Giant of Kandahar – Tracking Down The Giant Of Afghanistan.

Kandahar is a city in Afghanistan and capital of the HOTAK DYNASTY. In 1709, Mirwais Hotak made the region an independent kingdom and turned Kandahar into the capital of the HOTAK DYNASTY.

In 1747, Ahmad Shah Durrani, founder of the Durrani dynasty, made Kandahar the capital of the Afghan Empire.
Historically this province is considered as an important political area for Afghanistan revelations.
Many empires have long fought over the city due to its strategic location along the trade routes of southern, central and western Asia.


* Kandahar is one of the most culturally significant cities of the Pashtuns and has been their traditional seat of power for more than 300 years.

* It is a major trading center for sheep, wool, cotton, silk, felt, food grains, fresh and dried fruit, and tobacco. The region produces fine fruits, especially pomegranates and grapes, and the city has plants for canning, drying, and packing fruit, and is a major source of marijuana and hashish.

* The region around Kandahar is one of the oldest known human settlements. A major fortified city existed at the site of Kandahar, probably as early as c. 1000–750 BC, and it became an important outpost of the Achaemenid (Persian) Empire in the 6th century BC.

* Alexander the Great had laid-out the foundation of what is now Old Kandahar in the 4th century BC and gave it the Ancient Greek name Ἀλεξάνδρεια Ἀραχωσίας (Alexandria of Arachosia).

* The back to the giant of Kandahar...In 2002 when a U.S. Army squad went missing in a desert part of Afghanistan, A "special ops task force" (branch unknown, possibly Rangers considering that the missing squad was Army) was sent to find out what had happened, and the soldiers walked along a ragged, mountainous trail until arriving at the entrance of a large cave. Pieces of broken U.S. military equipment and gear were scattered all around the clearing. The task force was about to enter the cave to explore its recesses when a ~12-15 feet, red-headed, six-digit, double-toothed humanoid emerged and attacked the soldiers. The giant impaled ‘Dan’ with giant spear and proceeded to attack the rest of the squad. The witness states that it took 30 seconds of continuous fire to down the giant.

* Between them, the squad was armed with full-auto M4 carbines, "recon carbines" (semi-automatic) and M107 Barrett anti-materiel rifles firing .50 BMG. This much firepower concentrated on one target for one second, let alone thirty, would be extremely destructive.

* According to the witness, the giant wore canvas or animal hide covers on to protect its feet like moccasins and smelt like dead bodies. The creature’s body was airlifted back to the squad’s base by a helicopter and net. From there it was loaded into an aircraft and taken away, never to be seen again.

* Upon their return, the soldiers were made to sign non-disclosure paperwork to stop the word spreading of their encounter. The witness states that he broke his silence because “people have the right to know what’s happening on our planet”.


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