
Showing posts from October, 2023

The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

German Woman, Stripped Naked By Hamas Militants, Is Alive, But Critical

German Woman, Stripped Naked By Hamas Militants, Is Alive, But Critical German woman named Shani Louk who was said to have been killed, stripped naked, and paraded by Hamas militants is alive, according to reports. She was reportedly found alive in a hospital. Her mother Ricarda has also released a video message asking the German government to act quickly to get her daughter out of the war-torn region. "We now have information that Shani is alive but has a serious head injury and is in critical condition. Every minute is critical. And we, we demand the German government to act quickly," Ricarda can be heard saying in the video. "One should not argue about the question of jurisdiction. One must act quickly to get Shani out of the Gaza Strip," the woman urges the German authorities. "This is really my desperate call to the entire country of Germany to help me get my Shani back home healthy," she adds. Days ago, a video clip of the woman's body


SUSPENSION OF CIVILIANS IN PANCEVO, APRIL 20, 1941. Suspension of civilians in Pančevo, April 20, 1941. Gerhard Gronefeld (1911-2000), a German military photographer, recorded the executions of Serbs in Pancevo on April 20, 1941 in the afternoon, when 35 men and one woman were nabbed from the streets, divided into two groups. The first one was taken immediately near the entrance to the cemetery where improvised hangers were made, and the second group was arranged in front of the cemetery wall. This massacre was ordered by Oberstlootnant Commander Fritz Bandelonj as retaliation for two German soldiers killed in the battle with the remains of the Yugoslav army, three days after the Yugoslav Army capitulated. Gronefeld, who recorded many striking moments of war, after the war devoted himself to photographing birds and animals in nature, announcing his album of war photos before his death, put a photo of the hanging of Serbs in Pancevo in the first place, saying: "This is a photo tha

On this day in 1924, President Calvin and First Lady Grace Coolidge lose their youngest son.

 On this day in 1924, President Calvin and First Lady Grace Coolidge lose their youngest son. The teenager had been under the care of doctors at Walter Reed Army hospital for several days. It was an unexpected and shocking tragedy that left the Coolidges devastated. The 16-year-old boy had been playing tennis on the White House lawn just a few days earlier when he got a seemingly harmless blister. He wasn’t wearing socks that day.   Unfortunately, the blister got infected. It’s the type of injury that would be quickly treated with antibiotics today, but back then the infection was life threatening.  Needless to say, Calvin Jr. was soon very ill. President Coolidge is often remembered as a stoic figure, but his son’s illness left him distraught. How frustrating to hold such a powerful elected position, but to be completely powerless in the one area that matters: Coolidge could not help or cure his own son.  He must have been desperate for *something* to do because he soon took an unusu

This is the last photo that was taken of Mark Twain shortly before he died on April 21, 1910.

This is the last photo that was taken of Mark Twain shortly before he died on April 21, 1910.   This is the last photo that was taken of Mark Twain shortly before he died on April 21, 1910.  Mark Twain as a baby wasn't expected to live since he remained sickly and frail until he was  7 years old.  Even his formal education was limited as his father died of pneumonia (at the age of 49) when he was just 11 years of age.  But these factors did not stop him from becoming a great writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer. His last words — written on a note by his death bed — read "Death, the only immortal who treats us all alike, whose pity and whose peace and whose refuge are for all -- the soiled and the pure, the rich and the poor, the loved and the unloved."⁠

Cpl. Thomas F. O’Brien (#31233198) of the United States Army is pictured during the Battle of the Bulge campaign in January, 1945.

Cpl. Thomas F. O’Brien (#31233198 ) of  the United States Army is pictured during the Battle of the Bulge campaign in January  1945. He was a technician fifth grade with C Company of the 101st Infantry, Yankee Division, and was seen sitting on a snowbank eating a meal from his mess kit.  The story line with the picture reads “Blanketed in all the clothing he could commandeer to try to keep out the penetrating cold, Infantryman Thomas O’Brien, Middleboro, Mass., squats in the snow on the Western front to eat a cold ration in a momentary lull in the fighting of his regiment, the 101st Infantry. Born on June 10, 1921, at Providence, R.I. and raised in Woonsocket, O’Brien resided at 45 West Street in Middleboro, where his widowed mother had moved the family in June of 1941.  O’Brien, called “Red” by the family for his bright red hair, entered the service on Nov. 28, 1942.  Following training at Camp Maxey and Camp Swift in Texas, O’Brien was shipped to England for assignment. He saw actio

“It’s Broken” Man Shouts As Slay Queen He Was Grinding Sat On His Manhood [Video]

“It’s Broken” Man Shouts As Slay Queen He Was Grinding Sat On His Manhood [Video] Here’s a video that’s gone viral of a man who envisioned himself as “Superman.” At a party, he was wooing a woman with all his might. Suddenly, things took a turn for the worst when another woman in a provocative outfit replaced the first lady. When the man refused to cooperate, she grabbed him and threw him to the ground, where she began “dealing” with him. His private parts were sore for the rest of his life after she finished him off. See screenshots from the video below. TO WATCH THE VIDEO AND TO SEE MORE PHOTOS OF THIS ARTICLE  CLICK HERE .

She was 36 weeks pregnant when her husband abandoned her, ‘then saw something in the oven and bursted in tears’!

She was 36 weeks pregnant when her husband abandoned her, ‘then saw something in the oven and bursted in tears’! All too often, we hear about women being left while pregnant. The man who was supposed to look after her and her unborn child left with nothing. Having a baby is life-changing, it is also something that is meant to be a happy occasion, for both parents. But for this woman, being pregnant and expecting her first child was not a happy time at all. In fact, it was more of a nightmare. Amanda and her husband were having a hard time conceiving a child. For many people, not being able to have a baby can completely destroy a relationship, and for Amanda, this was her reality completely. Read the full story here ▶ Try as they might, there was just no baby on the cards for the unhappy couple. And more and more problems came from it. But one day, the unexpected happened. Amanda fell pregnant, but little did she know, she would soon be left a single mother in severe debt. Amanda’s hus

Every Night She Puts a Wet Towel on the Window, You Will do the Same After Reading This

Every Night She Puts a Wet Towel on the Window, You Will do the Same After Reading This A woman puts a wet towel on the window every night. The reason why may confuse you but, from now on, you’ll do the same!  These 6 temperatures  Cooling Tricks Will helpful this summer… We are approaching the hot summer period which creates real problems when it comes to sleeping at night. The smartest thing would be that every one of us has an air conditioner. However, not everyone can afford the luxury of this cooling system. With the help of these 6 simple tricks, you will sleep well and yet save money. #1. A pillow in the fridge It may sound a bit strange, but it works!  You can wrap a plastic bag around the pillow, so it doesn’t get wet and place it in your fridge for the whole day.  You can place the cool pillow under your cover clothe at bedtime or use it as a normal pillow. #2. A wet towel on the window You can reduce the room temperature with a wet or cool towel. Open up the window and put

Germaine Krull Captured 1920s Women in Intimate

Germaine Krull Captured 1920s Women in Intimate, Radical Images The photographer Germaine Krull is little known outside of specialist circles today, but in 1928 she was the toast of Paris. Her avant-garde photographs of the city filled the pages of VU, a magazine known for its dynamic spreads and modern, bold aesthetic. Krull was one of its signature photographers. She shot sailors on the docks, piles of curios at the flea market, dancers at the Moulin Rouge. As both photojournalist and art photographer, Krull was one of the leading lights of the Parisian photography scene. Her pictures hung in the Salon de l’Escalier, a major exhibition of modernist photography, and over the next few years, her work featured in exhibitions across Europe. By 1931, the cultural critic Walter Benjamin used Krull as an example of photography's potential in his celebrated essay “Little History of Photography Krull, born in Posen (then Germany, now Poznán, Poland), wound up in Paris after an itinerant c

Read The Story Of 19 Year Old, Frank Embree Who Was Tortured, Castrated, Skinned For A Crime He Didn’t Commit

Read The Story Of 19 Year Old, Frank Embree Who Was Tortured, Castrated, Skinned For A Crime He Didn’t Commit 19 year old Frank Embree was tortured, castrated, skinned and then lynched in front of a cheering crowd, for a crime he didn’t commit in 1899. On the morning of July 22, 1899, a white mob abducted Frank from officers transporting him to stand trial. He had been arrested roughly a month earlier, accused of assaulting a young white girl. Though he was scheduled to stand trial on July 22, he was lynched instead when the town’s residents grew impatient and decided to take “justice” into their own hands. According to newspaper accounts, the mob attacked officers transporting Embree, seized him, and loaded him into a wagon, then drove him to the site of the alleged assault. Once there, Embree’s captors immediately tried to extract a confession by stripping him naked and whipping him in front of the crowd, but he steadfastly refused despite this abuse. After more than one hundred las

Boy Visits Mom’s Grave Daily for 6 Months Until Dad Follows Him and Discovers the Shocking Truth

Boy Visits Mom’s Grave Daily for 6 Months Until Dad Follows Him and Discovers the Shocking Truth Boy Visits Mom’s Grave Daily for 6 Months Until Dad Follows Him and Discovers the Shocking Truth Frank had been a typical 40-year-old dad in Kansas. He was proud of what he’d achieved in life, from his successful plumbing business to his comfortable home. His beloved wife, Sarah, had made him the happiest man by giving him a son, Jeremy. Life had been great for their little family. That was until trouble reared its head. Jeremy, once a healthy baby, had suddenly fallen ill. Frank and Sarah were overwhelmed with worry, rushing their little angel to the emergency room. They hoped it was just a severe stomachache, but the doctor’s grave expression upon returning from his examination told them otherwise. The diagnosis was chronic kidney failure, a gut-wrenching blow. Frank couldn’t believe his ears, and Sarah, a strong-willed woman, was trying to hold herself together even in the face of such