The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass

 The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass   The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass  It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives - the ones who inspire us to think differently, to question the norms, and to embrace our individuality.

The story of a woman who survived being frozen for 6 hours.

The story of a woman who survived being frozen for 6 hours.

The story of a woman who survived being frozen for 6 hours.

In 1980, a woman named Jean Hilliard in rural north western Minnesota, was
involved in a car accident which resulted in car failure in sub-zero temperatures.

The story of a woman who survived being frozen for 6 hours
Four decades ago a young woman had her body frozen for almost 6 hours, in a small town in Minnesota, in the United States! The most amazing thing about this situation is that the woman survived!

She walked to a friend's house 2 miles away and collapsed 15 feet outside of the door. Temperatures dropped to22°F (-30 °C) and she was found "frozen stiff" at 7.a.m.

after six hours in the cold. She was transported to Fosston Hospital where doctors said her skin was too hard to pierce with a hypodermic needle and herF body temperature was too low to register on a thermometer. Her face was ashen and her eyes were solid with no response to lght. Her pulse was slowed to approximately 12
beats per minute.

She was wrapped in an electric blanket. The miraculous thing that happened was, 49 days after she was admitted, she was discharged from the hospital with no permanent damage to the brain or body besides frostbite.

40 years ago a woman was frozen for almost 6 hours and managed to survive! This is the amazing story of Jean Hilliard, who at the age of 19, on a cold December night in 1980, in the small town of Lengby, Minnesota, in the United States, crashed her car into a ditch and, trying to get help, ended up freezing!

Young Jean crashed her car on her way back to her parents' home after a night out. Dressed in a winter coat, thin gloves and cowboy boots, she walked for about 3 kilometres in a temperature of -30ºC to ask a friend who lived in the region for help. However, at a certain moment, Jean stumbled and lost consciousness. Her body was left in the cold for six hours, leaving her frozen.

In the morning, her friend Wally Nelson found Jean's body a few metres from the door of his house, slumped over the garden, and quickly picked her up and put her inside his house. "I thought she was dead. She froze stiffer than a board, but I saw some bubbles coming out of her nose," Nelson would report years later in an interview with Minnesota Public Radio.

Wally then quickly took Jean to the hospital, as the young woman seemed unresponsive to stimuli. Upon arrival at the hospital, her face was pale, eyes wide and solid and her skin was very hard, so much so that the doctors were unable to place an IV in her frozen arm, breaking several needles. Jean had a body temperature close to 27ºC, 10 degrees below the normal temperature of a healthy person.

Despite the serious situation and little hope of survival, the doctors quickly began to warm her up with heating pads (material available at the time in that hospital) and in just a few hours her body returned to a normal state, with only a few numb toes and blisters.

Soon after, Jean was conscious and speaking coherently, and was discharged soon afterwards to lead a normal life, as she lives to this day. Today Jean lives in Cambridge, Minnesota, with no issues or health problems as a result of what happened. Her only restriction, according to herself, is that she no longer drives on ice covered roads at night.



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